THE UNITED REFORMED CHURCH, at the heart of Bexley Village
We are a friendly, welcoming church seeking to be relevant to the local community in Bexley Village and the surrounding areas.You are really welcome to join us at our services or at any events for all ages in the week.Facilities in our santuary include a Prayer Room and toilet for the disabled.
Please contact us with any questions or requests.
What is the United Reformed Church? Called to be God’s people,transformed by the Gospel,making a difference in today’s world.
Although one of the smaller mainstream denominations,the United Reformed Church plays a dynamic and challenging part in the British Christian community.
It has brought together English Presbyterians, English, Welsh and Scottish Congregationalists, and members of the Churches of Christ through unions in 1972,1981 and 2000. Seventy thousand people make up more than 1500 congregations,with nearly 700 ministers, paid and unpaid.
Our Minister, Rev Rodolphe Blanchard-Kowal, welcomes your contact by email or on 07484 257534